'Set Off the Alarm: Planet Fitness Shoulder & Traps Workout| Phenom Fitness'

'Set Off the Alarm: Planet Fitness Shoulder & Traps Workout| Phenom Fitness'
02:36 Jul 13, 2021
'Workout:  Dumbbell Shoulder press 75lbs. 4x10-12 Dumbbell Upright Rows (supersets) 55/45lbs. 3x8-10 Rear Delt flies/Over the head pulls (superset) 20/40lbs.  3x10-12 Shrugs 315 lbs. 3x 8-10 Behind the back shrugs 245 lbs. 3x 10 Chest Workout:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPc4Lc2MYcI&feature=share&list=PLJDxSwTz0qdPoJ4yJhVRn1ey7_8gcibcX Shoulder Workout: http://youtu.be/NZ2s37qjz9Y Back Workout: http://youtu.be/vOQG5cbANI8 Six Pack Core Circuit: http://youtu.be/7UU0naD4ms8' 

Tags: fitness , shoulders , bodyweight training , shrugs , bodyweight workouts , competition , Planet fitness , shoulder workout for men , dumbbell shoulder press , shoulder workout for women , Phenom , compound movements , Powerlifting For Women , upright rows

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