Nov 22, 2021
'#akshaykumar #ritz #ritzarmy So after trying to survive on Fire Noodles for 5 days I decided to hop on celebrity diets. I picked Akshay Kumar who is the epitome of INDIAN CELEBRITY FITNESS. His routine is pretty straight forward and consistent. He have a strict schedule where he wakes up early in the morning, do his exercises and take four meals a day. His diet is comprised of typical Indian North Indian foods like Parathas, Milk, Dal, Roti , fruits etc. He believes on no supplement and non processed foods. After eating like him whole day I found it pretty maintainable for average Indian People but I found some flaws as there is not enough protein and also for office goers this routine may not be that much sustainable. This is Ritz signing off. .............................................................................................................. SUBSCRIBE FIRST :-- https://bit.ly/2MgXZw8 Follow me on Instagram:- https://bit.ly/2KkELnR Send me Friend Request on Facebook :- https://bit.ly/2KGW5U5 ............................................................................................................... Personal Online Training Program for Fat Loss or To Build Muscle msg in any one of the social media ................................................................................................................ Ritzshred is Ritabrata Saha who is Physics Honours Graduate and Fitness Model done shooting for Calvin Klein India, Van Heusen . He is known for his very quick transformation within a month from Fat to Shredded. He also trains clients online helping them with Fat Loss. Over an 1 Million Follower Network in Instagram he aspires to become Influencer. Category'
Tags: Akshay Kumar , ritz , akhsay kumar diet
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