'Hii guys, Welcome to this video About this video: 3 Exercises To Increase Bowling speed in Cricket/ #bowlingexercises #coreworkout#cricketyappa So basically guys in this video i am going to show you the best 3 exercises to increase your bowling speed in cricket. So guys this video is for every bowlers or batsman because this is a exercise. So basically guys being a fast bowler is not an easy task so one have to bring a good apeed in their bowling. But there are problems with them as they do not get proper exercises to increase strength to the shoulder . And shoulder is the one of the most important thing . So second important thing is your thighas it ensures the speed of a bowler. so all these issue have been cleared by doing all the three exercises that have prescribed in the video. so basically guys let us discuss all the exercises one by one in order to get idea about it. so the first exercise is side plank . so basically guys this exercise is like doing plank with your hand of delievry bowl . so e.g. mah is right. so i put up my right hand on the base and then just doing the side plank with some motions like little bit jerks. so basically this workout ensures complete workout of your hand .as you will go further towards this exercise you would feel the difference between your initial bowling speed with the bowling speed after doing this exercise for one month or about it. so basically it works hardly in your core make it more harder then ever and accordingly,helps you to increase bowling speed because it works upon your shoulder because all the balance gets into the shoulder . so do this exercise for five to ten sets each set consist of thirty seconds. you may get still or may move your hand it is all upon you. so the second exercise is balancing with thigh means half plank of thighs . so basically in this exercise you have to sit in a position like chair ajd all the weight suddenly transefers into the thigh which actually increase the strength of the thigh. guys it is one of the most rude exercise to do because it is too much painful you know. so guys it will help you to build up thr core of your thigh and accordingly your bowling or runup speed will increase automatically. so basically do this exercise for three sets . each sets may provided by a time of thirty seconds or if you hsve problem at initial stage then do for twenty seconds as that will be okay. so basically increasing the sets will decrease the time and decreasing the sets will increase the time in order to maintain balamcing that is all. it also ensures full workout of main core. so the third one exercise is doing shadow drill by medicine ball ( if available) i have used a brick because it was not available . so you can use a material weighing 2-5 kg in order to build up your muscke of hand or shoulder . so basically it is normal exercise which can be done by using any heavy densily matter so that is all. this exercise will drastically improve your bowling speed as you woukd be habituated by towards that hard or heavy ball amd during bowling the natural or the real ball it will be felt very lighter or will be easy to throw the ball with greater velocity because of fast spinning or action of the hands. it is just like a resistance band which will resist yourself from throwing the ball . so actually guys this is the third exercise snd it also ensures core workout that is all so guys these all. are the exercises wgich can be done to increase bowling speed by 2× . so these all are the genuine and better techniques to increase it . guys if you have some other exercises then you can comment me below in the comm. box . so basically guys these all are the exercises related to core workout,muscke building and all those things related to shoulder strengthening . so basically guys only watching the video and keeping your eyes close and onky doing shirker is not going to help you . you must apply all the exercises in order to get benefit .so don\'t ever think taht it is boring AF\' so basically guys practice it hard . and increase your sers day by day in order for a hard and macho shoulder. practice it before bowling or during exercise sessions . also share these exercises to your friend,relatives etc. your queries,my solutions 1)exercises to improve bowling speed 2)bowling speed kaise badhaye 3)fast bowling exercises 4) how to bring strength to shoulder 5) increase bowling runup 6) plank exercises to increase bowling speed 7) how to maintain fitness #bowlingtips #exercisestoimprovespeed #bestbowlingdrills #howtobecomeagoodfastbowler #fastbowlingtips #fitnessexercisesforcricketer #exercisesforafastbowler artist:iskon ;song:paradise connect with me by Subscribing my channel To get more awesome stuffs like this And do not forget to like share and subscribe Buddies it is all about your support Without your support i am nothing so keep support thanks regards, #cricketyappa'
Tags: cricket tips , cricket fitness tips , fast bowling drills , bowling speed kaise badhaye , fast bowling exercises , how to maintain fitness , exercises to increase bowling speed , bring strength to shoulder , improve bowling speed in cricket , plank exercises to increase bowling speed , shadow drills , increase bowling speed , how to become a pace bowler , fitness exercises for bowlers , cricketyappa youtube , cricket core workout , how to become a good bowler
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