Aug 14, 2024
'This week we head into a new cycle!! And it has the title of an 80s action movie: Arms N Abs - V2 - Home edition!!! As much joy as this ridiculous title brings us, what are we actually trying to achieve in the next 6 weeks?? The answers are two-fold: 1. Build some stronger arms with some functional hypertrophy, and structural work to keep them happy arms too 2. Use the simple sit-up as our metric for abdominal development, in particular, our muscular endurance in the sit-up, or to put it more simply - how may reps can we do?? Today is our initial testing day for the next 6 weeks, so watch the YouTube video, set a timer for 3 minutes and let\'s get after it!! Be sure to watch the whole video as we have options whether you have gym equipment available or if you have limited options at home! If you have any questions feel feel to leave a comment below, send us a message on Slack if you\'re in the gym or drop us an email to [email protected] thefourbells.com'
Tags: follow along workout , free workout
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