HOW I LOST 20 LBS IN 6 WEEKS + TIPS! How to Lose Weight Fast | Katie Musser

07:47 Sep 4, 2020
John 3:16   INSTAGRAM//  SHOP ALL OF MY AMAZON FAVORITES:  B U S I N E S S  I N Q U I R I E S :  Hi Angels! I hope you guys loved my tips on how I lost 20lbs in 6 weeks during my 6 week summer shred challenge! In this video I talk all about how I lost weight, what I eat to lose weight, exercise for fat loss and a bunch of other stuff! Don't forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up if you found it helpful :) 

Tags: fitness , how to lose weight , weightloss , fat loss , vegan , bikini body , beach body , how I lost weight , Fast weight loss , how to lose weight fast , workouts for fat loss , how to lose fat , workouts for weight loss , vegan weightloss , how to lose stomach fat , How to get skinny , how i lost 20 pounds , how i lost 20 lbs , how i lost fat , how to lose 20 lbs , how to lose 20 pounds , my weight loss , my weight loss transformation , how to get a bikini body

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