Jan 25, 2022
'D197 min 100 Burpees \"He who brags about himself shall not receive credit. He who is arrogant shall not make improvements\"-LT just a routine routine 25 2 pumps 10 curve 25 touch squats 50 flutter kicks 125 jumping jacks 50 toe touch 25 3 pumps 10 curve 25 touch squats 50 flutter kicks 125 jumping jacks 50 toe touch 25 5 pumps 10 curve 25 touch squats 50 flutter kicks 125 jumping jacks 50 toe touch 25 6 pumps 10 curve 25 touch squats 50 flutter kicks 125 jumping jacks 50 toe touch chaser 5 10 pump burpees 200 days burpee challenge is just a number, something to look forward to. more people seeing this, get inspired and getting fit...the better i do this for my record, do fitness to your level, ask your doctor, NOT youtube. #500pushups #250burpees #REPcity #100burpee,#repcity,#burpee,#bodyweightexercises,#pushupchallenge, #burpee challenge,#fitat50,#noequipmentworkout,#250pushups,#ironwolf,#burpeeKIng,#500BURPEES,#500NAVY #burpee #ironwolf #kantstop, #1000PushupsChallenge, #1000Pushups'
Tags: #repcity , #fitover50 , #1000burpees , fitoverfifty , #200dayburpeeschallenge , #1000pushups
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